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Empowerment of Youth gathering in Vermont
Core Group in Vancouver, B.C.
We Are One Global Family!

We are living in an era of quantum change—leaving behind old patterns of being and institutions that no longer serve our needs or support our emerging consciousness. At this pivotal time in humanity’s evolution, we need courage, commitment, and a supportive community of like-hearted souls to guide the way in transforming  society. 


We invite you to join with Global Family

to birth a more loving co-creative world. 

David Fischer
Carolyn Anderson

Our Mission:  We are empowering and connecting individuals and groups to actualize their purpose and co-create positive change in the world.

Our Vision: We are supporting a shift in consciousness from separation and fear to unity, love and co-creation.

Global Family is a 501(c)3 non-profit, educational organization.  Your donations are fully tax-deductible.

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