Some of Our Ambassadors

Global Family Ambassadors
During this time of rapid change, there are many people on every continent who share the vision of Global Family and are consciously aligned with the values we hold dear: love, unity, peace, mutual respect, trust, co-creation, harmony, and goodwill for all. They are “modeling the change they want for the world” and are called to co-create positive change with like-hearted social pioneers. They serve as contacts and bridges to others in their local communities (and beyond) who share this consciousness.
Global Family Ambassadors support the formation of Core Groups, stay connected to this network by reporting about breakthroughs in their local area or field of interest, and promote events and activities that foster unity and are aligned with the spirit of Global Family. They are consciously building the resonant field of love to shift consciousness on the planet.

Small groups of Ambassadors meet weekly via video conferencing. One group is creating a YouTube channel, called the Art of Co-Creation, in which representatives share co-creative practices to foster love, creativity, and personal empowerment globally.
If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, click here. If you are interested in contacting any of our Ambassadors, click here.