Trainings and Events
Upcoming Events
September 17-24, 2022

November 26 and December 9, 2021
This holiday season, join us as we celebrate the 4 Love Languages.

4Love is dedicated to connecting humanity in a far more impactful way this holiday season with two free events.
Holiday giving is one of the 5 Love Languages that are recognized as the ways that humans give and receive love. Join us to also experience the other four:
At 4Love San Diego Bonfire on Friday November 26th (chosen as a loving alternative to the Black Friday rush on malls and online stores), attendees will give and receive Words of Affirmation, enjoy family-friendly Physical Touch, show up for one another with Acts of Service, and experience deep Quality Time (probably after the event as well). Learn more and register for free here.
At 4Love: The Zoom Experience on Thursday December 9 meet attendees from all over North America as we come together to discover best practices with the 4 Love Languages that can be applied to our own families, blood and otherwise. Learn more and register for free here, and see our Ambassador Jon Block describe it on this YouTube:
Past Trainings and Events
June 19 - 26, 2021
Please join us for 8 days of live conversations, music, and creative inspiration

Global Family is joining with 200 other global organizations for the Second Annual World Unity Week June 19 – 26, 2021. This convergence will offer interactive live and pre-recorded programming at the intersection of science, technology, transformative practices and culture to engage people across cultures, generations, and geographical boundaries.
The vision of World UNITY Week is to grow community while writing a new story of interconnectedness and unity for humanity. The event is freely offered to a global audience of thousands through with many livestreams and recordings on
June 5 - 7 2020 (cancelled)
Experience Co-Creation in the Netherlands
The co-creation workshop we were scheduled to offer at the beautiful New Eden Centre For Awakened Living in Hemrik, Netherlands was cancelled due to the pandemic. Our intent for this training was for all participants to experience the essential elements of the co-creative process and to be empowered to live these practices in their daily lives. Our partners Delilah Verhoeven and Jules Van Beek would have been our hosts and the producers of this event.

September 2019
Barbara Marx Hubbard, often referred to as “the mother of conscious evolution" was an author, speaker, and gifted visionary. As one of the co-founders of Global Family, she wrote the Foreword to The Co-Creator’s Handbook 2.0 and contributed in so many ways to the evolution of this organization since 1986.

Barbara died suddenly and unexpectedly in April, 2019, as we were planning a special retreat together at Hummingbird Ranch in northern New Mexico. In honor of her life and legacy, we created a special four-day gathering in early September entitled Carrying the Torch Forward.

Conscious evolutionaries from four countries came together to empower one another and to build on Barbara's work and legacy.
February 2018

Representatives of Global Family facilitated two weekend retreats in southern California and offered an evening event at Full Circle in Venice, CA. These events were designed to empower the participants in expressing their full creative potential by learning and experiencing the essential elements of the Core Group Process. (Many thanks to Andrew Keegan, Mayra McCullough, Oceanna Kiddie and Patrick Talbot for their support in producing these powerful events of mutual learning and awakening.)
October - November 2017
In October and November a small team, representing Global Family and Living Co-Creation Associates, conducted a three-day training on the basic principles of co-creation for 300 beautiful souls in Hamburg, Germany. Many of the participants are members of a group called Human Trust, founded by transformational leaders Veit and Andrea Lindau. The warmth and generosity of everyone we met was fulfilling and nurturing at every level, and we look forward to returning to continue sharing co-creative practices with other social pioneers in Germany and beyond.

Participants in a moment of celebration during the workshop.
September 2017

Global Family conducted a one-day introduction, followed by an in-depth training in co-creative practices at Hummingbird Community. Our purpose in coming together was to tap into our unique and collective genius and to be empowered to more fully give our gifts, expand our leadership skills, and be nurtured by the resonant field and the healing qualities of nature.