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Through the Core Group Process™, Global Family has served over 30 years as an important catalyst for supporting thousands of individuals to discover their passionate purpose and inspire small groups to co-create positive change in the world:

Our Accomplishments

  • Seeded 1000+ international core groups – empowering individuals and groups, activating numerous co-creative projects, and connecting co-creators locally and globally. 

  • Produced educational materials – including The Co-Creators Handbook, webinars, videos, and training manuals to support individuals, Core Groups, and Ambassadors. 

  • Connected our network – Global Family radio, newsletters, and regional re-unions linked us together as one family sharing the positive news of our times. 

  • Supported peace, sustainability, and social justice at the U.N. – Since 1988 the Global Family team has collaborated with other non-governmental organizations to protect the rights of women and children, support sustainable development, and promote peace and social justice worldwide. 

  • Conducted citizen diplomacy trips – numerous travels to the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to end the cold war and support emerging democracy.

  • Birthed Hummingbird Community – an intentional eco-village community in rural northern New Mexico serving as a “living laboratory for the evolution of consciousness and co-creation.”  Hummingbird just celebrated their 20th anniversary.

  • Inspired thousands of individuals – to discover their life purpose and join with resonant partners to birth a more loving world. 

  • Sponsored dozens of global and local events – educational trainings, and experiential gatherings to unite, support and empower members of our global family. 

  • Participated in international peace conferences – staffing and supporting the success of international peace conferences, such as the Global Forum, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and the Soviet-American Citizen Summits in Washington D.C. and Moscow.

  • Collaborated with and served as fiscal sponsor for many aligned organizations – to promote cooperation and amplify our efforts to birth a more loving world. 

Our Mission:  We are empowering and connecting individuals and groups to actualize their purpose and co-create positive change in the world.

Our Vision: We are supporting a shift in consciousness from separation and fear to unity, love and co-creation.

Global Family is a 501(c)3 non-profit, educational organization.  Your donations are fully tax-deductible.

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