Our History
Global Family was co-founded by Carolyn Anderson, Marion Culhane, Jeff Daly, and Barbara Marx Hubbard and was born out of an event that occurred on December 31, 1986 called “The World Peace Meditation.” In preparing for this global event, they directly experienced the empowerment and transformation that can occur when small groups of people align in resonance around a large vision. They were inspired to create Global Family as a support structure to build on the momentum of this peace meditation and to connect the groups that had participated worldwide. Their intent was to sustain the resonant field and to shift the collective consciousness to unity, love, and co-creation.
Leaders of the organization led 12 citizen diplomacy trips to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to support emerging democracy and focus on joint projects with ordinary citizens, all toward ending the Cold War. Local gatherings and trainings in the Core Group Process™ were held many times each year to connect “family members” on five continents. In 1988 Global Family became a non-governmental organization (NGO) with the United Nations and has been active there ever since.
Members of Global Family served as facilitators at a number of international conferences, including the Global Forum in Oxford, England; the Soviet-American Citizen Summits in Washington D.C. and Moscow; the Seeking the True Meaning of Peace Conference with the Dalai Lama; and the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
In 1996 a Core Group
within Global Family
co-founded Hummingbird
Community in northern
New Mexico as a “living
laboratory for the evolution
of consciousness and
co-creation.” As social
architects, community
members are discovering
and demonstrating a new
way of living together. They
aspire to align their values
with their actions and
support transformation
in every sector of society.
At this time, many of the social pioneers who provided leadership within Global Family during those early years are still active on our Core Team. Carolyn Anderson, Tim Clauss, David Fischer, Jani Ashmore, and Katharine and Makasha Roske bring decades of experience in the Core Group Process™ and other social cooperation skills to this work today. (You can read about additional accomplishments on the Donate page.)

Over the next decade, the spirit of Global Family was embraced by thousands of individuals and teams in over 40 countries…..all without the advantage of the Internet or social media. In Africa, one man was so moved by the potential of this vision, he literally ran through a number of countries sharing the good news! On his initiative alone dozens of Core Groups and small teams were initiated on the African continent.

Core Group in Kenema, Sierra Leone
Co-founders of Hummingbird Community